Monday, September 30, 2013

Living and Active Update Week #2

I didn't have a chance to post the first week of the challenge. To recap that week, I did very well. I exercised four days that week, mainly walking and I memorized the scripture verse as well. My eating habits are still in dire need of change and I'm reading a few books to help with that, but I've not made any changes at present.

For this second week, I didn't do as well. I didn't exercise at all this week. In my defense, I started the week out canning 49 jars of applesauce in around 24 hours so I really think that should count for at least 2 days of exercise, haha. I did memorize the verse. Well, I already had the verse memorized because it is one that I need to remember often and it was wonderful to use it in this new context.I'm looking forward to this new week, a chance to start new and fresh. I've already exercised this morning, so I'm very optimistic. :)

How is your exercise routine? Are you doing Clare's challenge too? I'd love to hear from you in the comments.

LEGO® KIDSFEST Portland: October 11 - 13

LEGO® KIDSFEST Portland: October 11 - 13 
Three Acres of Hands-On Educational Fun for All Ages


LEGO® KidsFest is coming to Portland!
     If you are anything like me, your kids LOVE LEGO®!! All of my kids from the oldest to the youngest play with LEGO® bricks, well maybe not the youngest but as soon as he can hold a LEGO® brick, I have no doubt he will start playing with them. My children could spend hours building with LEGO® bricks. My son loves the Star Wars collection and my daughters love the LEGO® Friends. I played with them as child. I guess it is quite plain to see that our family loves LEGO®.
     I was so excited when I found out that the LEGO® KidsFest was coming to Portland. When I first heard about this event, I knew that my children would love it. They have tons of activities for families to enjoy, including: a Model Gallery, LEGO® Master Builders, construction zones for free play, games arena and a huge brick pile! Tickets are on sale now, $19 for kids and $21 for adults and you can find more information at the website below. Make sure to purchase your tickets online quickly because sessions have been known to sell out. I’ve also included the dates and times of all the sessions.
Friday October 11, 2013
4 pm - 8:30 pm
Saturday October 12, 2013
Session I: 9 am - 1:30 pm
Session II: 3pm - 7:30 pm
Sunday October 13, 2013
Session I: 9 am - 1:30 pm
Session II: 3 pm - 7:30 pm
Oregon Convention Center - Halls C, D, & E
777 NE Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard
Portland, OR 97232
(503) 235-7575
In closing, here are a few fun facts about LEGO®:
  • More than 400 billion LEGO® bricks have been produced since 1949.
  • Children around the world spend 5 billion hours a year playing with LEGO® bricks.
  • LEGO® is the contraction of two Danish words, “leg godt” which means “play well”.
  • There are 915 million ways to combine six eight-stud LEGO® bricks.
I hope to see you all at this wonderful event. Don’t forget to purchase your tickets soon as these events tend to sell out really quickly. I’m very excited to share in all the fun activities with my family.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Women Living Well Review

I wanted to repost my review in a post without a giveaway.
1 WLW cover
I've had the immense pleasure and privilege of being on the launch team for Courtney Joseph's new book, Women Living Well. It is a wonderful book, filled with encouragement and practical tips and ideas on how to live a God centered life. She talks about how to take pleasure in the roles that God has give you to fill.One part that really spoke to me, in particular, was how she talked about praying while she did regular, ordinary tasks. 
She talked about using those moments to pray for her family and/or to thank God for those things. For instance, when she was making her husband's side of the bed, she would pray for him and thank God for giving her a husband. When she washed the laundry, she would thank God for having clothes to wash. This really struck me. I recently had my fifth child only a little over a year after having my fourth so we were still technically adjusting to four children when the fifth came along. I had been struggling with so much to pick up and do with a year and half old son and an infant son. After reading this in her book, it opened my eyes. I was walking from our dining room into our family room and noticed a toy train on the floor. At first, I immediately had a bad attitude and thought about the five other people that had stepped over this train without picking it up. Then I thought about how my son loved playing with that train, and how if he wasn't around I wouldn't have a train to pick up. I picked up the train and thanked God for giving me that son who left trains and other toys all over my house. I thanked God for giving me him to love and to teach me how to love. I noticed that my attitude towards my household tasks changed after that. I still had times where I was tired and frustrated but they were less and less. I enjoyed taking care of my family in this way because I enjoy my family and I'm so thankful God gave them to me.Courtney's book comes out on Tuesday, October 1st.

Women Living Well Blog Tour

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Giveaway!! Signed copy of Women Living Well by Courtney Joseph


I've had the immense pleasure and privilege of being on the launch team for Courtney Joseph's new book, Women Living Well. It is a wonderful book, filled with encouragement and practical tips and ideas on how to live a God centered life. She talks about how to take pleasure in the roles that God has give you to fill.One part that really spoke to me, in particular, was how she talked about praying while she did regular, ordinary tasks. 

She talked about using those moments to pray for her family and/or to thank God for those things. For instance, when she was making her husband's side of the bed, she would pray for him and thank God for giving her a husband. When she washed the laundry, she would thank God for having clothes to wash. This really struck me. I recently had my fifth child only a little over a year after having my fourth so we were still technically adjusting to four children when the fifth came along. I had been struggling with so much to pick up and do with a year and half old son and an infant son. After reading this in her book, it opened my eyes. I was walking from our dining room into our family room and noticed a toy train on the floor. At first, I immediately had a bad attitude and thought about the five other people that had stepped over this train without picking it up. Then I thought about how my son loved playing with that train, and how if he wasn't around I wouldn't have a train to pick up. I picked up the train and thanked God for giving me that son who left trains and other toys all over my house. I thanked God for giving me him to love and to teach me how to love. I noticed that my attitude towards my household tasks changed after that. I still had times where I was tired and frustrated but they were less and less. I enjoyed taking care of my family in this way because I enjoy my family and I'm so thankful God gave them to me.

I've been provided the opportunity to give away a signed copy of this book. I had planned on starting this giveaway yesterday, but I spent the entire day canning applesauce and unfortunately I couldn't get to writing a blog post. Please forgive me for being a day late. This giveaway will run until Sunday night, Pacific Time. I will announce the winner on Monday. 

Courtney's book comes out on Tuesday, October 1st. Also, don't forget about the pre-launch giveaways that she is doing on her blog. Click the picture below for more information.

Pre-Launch Giveaway1

To enter the giveaway, use the Rafflecopter widget below. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Living and Active 5 Week Challenge from Peak313

The 2nd Annual "Living and Active" 5-Week Challenge (Intro) :

After coming out of my two years of pregnancy, I find myself in the worst shape of my life. I've been extremely overweight since my first pregnancy 11 years ago. Its definitely time to make a permanent change. I've tried this and that over the years and am just plain sick and tired of not being able to do what I want. I had hip issues with the last pregnancy as a result of the previous pregnancy. To help with these issues I've been in physical therapy, this really opened my eyes to exactly how out of shape I am.

I've been kind of mulling it over, praying a little bit, and researching a little about what I want to do to change my lifestyle/eating habits/overall fitness. Enter Clare at Peak313. I've been following her blog for quite some time and have always enjoyed her posts about new exercises, eating tips, and the like without actively participating. Last year I was pregnant and in the midst of morning sickness when she introduced this challenge, so I was unable to participate. This year, I'm ready and so excited to join this challenge!

This challenge is 5 weeks long and will incorporate scripture memorization as well as physical fitness. I'm so excited to embark on this new  journey and even more excited to begin with a challenge that will help my spiritual life as well as my physical one. For more information on this challenge click any of the images. I hope you'll consider joining me and am excited to see where we will be at the conclusion. I will be posting here every week during the challenge, so make sure you come back and visit.

"Living and Active" : 5-Week Challenge :

Friday, September 13, 2013

Women Living Well

I have had the great pleasure of being chosen to be on the launch team for Courtney Joseph's new book, Women Living Well. Many of you will recognize her name from her blog, Women Living Well, as well as the Good Morning Girls website.

She has recently written a book entitled Women Living Well: Finding Your Joy in God, Your Man, Your Kids, and Your Home.


She talks about obstacles we face as wives, mothers, homemakers, etc. I have really enjoyed this book. I was given an advanced copy to help put the word out as well as review. Below is a trailer announcing the book:

I will be posting a full review when I finish reading the book. So far, it has been very helpful and somewhat convicting. And I'm only halfway through!! I will also be hosting my first ever giveaway for a signed copy!!

Pre-Launch Giveaway

If you can't wait for the giveaway and want to pre-order your copy now, Courtney is offering a 10 ebook bundle as a free gift. There are also several other gifts if you order more. Click here to pre-order and for more information on the free gifts click here.

My giveaway will start on September 23rd, so check back then to enter to win a signed copy of this wonderful book!



Sometimes all you need is your Mom. I'm so thankful that I've been blessed with a mother who is able to help me whenever she can and usually whenever I need it. This past April I gave birth to my fifth child. He is my second child born in the last two years and third child born in the last four years. Needless to say, I've been very busy. I've basically been pregnant these last two years. I don't regret it for a second. I am so blessed to have these children. I did however, have difficult pregnancies for the last two.

They are both boys and I'm beginning to really believe that it is harder for me to carry boys than girls. I had a very large boy for my fourth child, including a difficult delivery, so when I found out I was pregnant again when he was 6 months old, I was terrified. Terrified of giving birth again, terrified that I'd have another difficult pregnancy and terrified that I hadn't even lost all the baby weight and was going to gain more because let's face it, when it comes to gaining weight during pregnancy, I'm an overachiever.

My pregnancy was in fact difficult. Lots of hip issues, culminating in four months of sitting in my chair because I couldn't move without lots of pain. After my precious baby was born, I still was working to recover. Enter my mother. I was feeling down and depressed. I felt kind of hopeless. My husband and I talked about what we could do to turn the situation around. I suggested flying my mother out to visit me for a week. We got a wonderful deal and a little under a month later my mother arrived.

She immediately began cleaning and caring for my children and me. She boosted me up and gave me encouragement. She told me that I'm a great mother and gave me a few examples as to why she thought so. She was an answer to prayer. The week went by too fast as it always does. The day she left I was very sad and felt lonely. But, I didn't forget my mother's words of encouragement. Inside the depression had lifted and I once again felt capable to take care of my family and home. My mother was what I needed. She was the answer to my prayer.

So I'd just like to thank my mother was helping me, in many different ways. Thank you for loving me especially when I was unlovable. Thank you for helping me every single time I needed help. And most of all, thank you for being my mother.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Upcoming Giveaway!!

I'm very excited to announce that in the next month or so I will be doing my first giveaway!! Yay! I'm so excited!! Make sure that you stay tuned to my blog for your chance to win!! :)

Secrets over Sweet Tea

Cover: Secrets over Sweet Tea
From the publisher's webpage: "Secrets can be funny things. We think they keep us safe, but more often than not, they spill out when we least expect and make a mess out of everything. It’s a truth Scarlett Jo Newberry knows all too well—a truth Grace Shepherd and Zach Craig are about to learn the hard way. As the lives of this boisterous pastor’s wife, polished news anchor, and beleaguered divorce attorney intersect in the tree-lined streets of Franklin, Tennessee, scandal threatens to topple their carefully constructed worlds. Grasping at survival, they embark on a journey of friendship and courage, desperate to find a way back to laughter, love, and life."
I immediately loved this book from the first chapter. I really enjoyed the way she describes every character. I especially loved the character of Scarlett Jo. I really identified with her. My favorite paragraph early on in the book,"But Scarlett Jo thought it was something else. It was because, for the most part, she was nothing but herself. What you saw was what you got. It had taken her a long time and a lot of pain to get there. And people responded to that." when referring to why she generally made friends easily and got along with others. I love the fullness of the characters.

The 4 Seasons of Marriage.

Cover: The 4 Seasons of Marriage
From the publisher's webpage:"The seasons of marriage come and go. Each one holds the potential for emotional health and happiness, and each one has its challenges. The purpose of this book is to describe these recurring seasons of marriage, help you and your spouse identify which season your marriage is in, and show you how to enhance your marriage in all four seasons."
I've enjoyed Gary Chapman's books. They've really helped to change my perspective on things. There are different times in our lives and in our marriages. This book will give you practical and insightful techniques in helping strengthen your marriage.

I'm no Angel

Cover: I'm No Angel

I'm no Angel by Kylie Bisutti is Kylie's story of how from her early teen years she struggled to make it in modeling and then to winning the Victoria's Secret Runway Angel competition. Then she began struggling spirtually with her life in the modeling world. She shows a rare behind the scenes look at modeling and shares her testimony.
I have been wanting to read this book since I saw it reviewed on the Women Living Well blog. I really liked the way Kylie presented her story. It felt like you were just talking to a good friend. She is so honest and forthcoming with her testimony and how she came to know the Lord. It felt as if I was coming into her confidence and she was sharing it with me personally. I really enjoyed this book.