Sunday, November 3, 2013

More randomness

A lot has been going on in our home lately. I'm finally getting out of the physical limitations and slowly getting stronger. Several of us have been sick, praying we are on the other side of that as well. Homeschooling is going fairly well. We are doing well in our regular subjects, spelling, language, math, reading and writing. History and Science are still a little random but I know will we get them figured out soon. Bible has been great and I may even just do a review of the program on here at a later date. I've learned a lot from it as well.

I've felt very overwhelmed but also extremely thankful too. I have an amazing husband and five amazing kids. I have friends and family whom I adore and who love me back. I enjoy this month of remembering our thankfulness. I participate in posting something I'm thankful for every day on facebook along with several of my friends. It is good to be reminded of what we have instead of what we don't have or what we think we should have or need.

A lot of randomness, but that's the name of this blog. I pray this finds all of you well and I hope you can find something to be thankful for every day this month. In fact, I challenge you to and if you get a chance, share it with someone, maybe me, or just someone you know. Tell the people that you are thankful for that you are thankful for them. It might be just what they need to hear. :)

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